Troop 19 Merit Badge Counselor List
P - R

This is a list that has been compiled by the Troop Committee. This list will be kept up-to-date, but make sure to check the list in the Scout Hut. One thing to note -- before you can start any Merit Badge, you first must get with Mr. Banks and get the blue card first before you can contact the Merit Badge Counselor. If the Merit Badge is labeled in red and the border is gray, then this Merit Badge is required for Eagle. If you have any questions regarding this list, contact Mr. Wetherbee.

Personal Fitness
Personal Management (must be 14)
Pets (must own a pet)
Merit Badge Worksheet
Merit Badge Worksheet
Jenn Bolt

Matt Fox
Eric Maillett
Eric Smith
MIke Zanger

Cortney Bruh
Eric Maillet
Matt Fox
Matt Jones
Jenn Bolt
Cortney Bruh

Plant Science
Merit Badge Worksheet
Merit Badge Worksheet
Matt Jones
Luis Toledo
Matt Fox
Rodney Conklin

Public Health
Public Speaking
Merit Badge Worksheet
Merit Badge Worksheet
Merit Badge Worksheet
Jenn Bolt
Luis Toledo
Cortney Bruh
Rick Cardenas
Eric Maillet
Jeff Wetherbee

Pulp & Paper
Merit Badge Worksheet
Merit Badge Worksheet
Merit Badge Worksheet
Merit Badge Worksheet
Mike Shaw
Jenn Bolt
Cortney Bruh
Jeff Wetherbee

Reptile & Amphibian Study
Rifle Shooting
Merit Badge Worksheet
Merit Badge Worksheet
Merit Badge Worksheet
Merit Badge Worksheet
Matt Fox

This page is maintained by Rick Cardenas, ASM & IT Director of Troop 19
Send comments to
Mecklenburg County Council, Boy Scouts of America.
Charlotte, North Carolina
No content may be reproduced for non-Scouting purposes.
© Copyright Troop 19, 1998 - 2023

Last Updated: January 14, 2023